Appointments are made with the patient’s registered GP, GP associate, nurse practitioner or GP trainee. The timings of surgeries are mornings and early evenings to appeal to both families and the working population. You may consult any doctor if you have an urgent or special problem. However, we prefer patients to see their own doctor when possible. Patients should attend the surgery that they have registered at as their notes will be kept there. Arrangements can be made if you wish to change surgery.
Opening Times
Benhill: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm
Telephone: 020 8642 8011
Belmont: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm
Telephone: 020 8642 0920
Routine appointments
These appointments can be booked up to one month in advance:
- book an appointment online using the NHS App.
- phone us Monday to Friday during opening hours
- visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist, Monday to Friday during opening hours
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) to book a screening test or vaccination
- evening or weekend appointments are available on request by calling 0333 332 6570
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
Other types of appointments
Emergency appointments explained
Protocol for Emergency Appointments
- Book a telephone triage appointment. Each doctor and nurse practitioner has four, five-minute telephone triage appointments close to the beginning of their surgery. If the clinician calls the patient and decides they need to be seen that day, the clinician who has triaged the patient over the phone, should arrange to see that patient themselves at the end of their surgery.
- If the patient needs to be seen face to face that same day, please offer a Book on the Day Appointment with a clinician, ideally with their own doctor first, or with another clinician if their own doctor is not available. For example, if their own doctor is fully booked, please offer a book on the day appointment with a GP associate or nurse practitioner.
- Urgent children under two years of age should automatically be added to either a book on day slot or as an extra at the end as these children if URGENT will need to be seen.
- Once the Book on the Day and Telephone Triage slots are taken, please add any extras as telephone triage appointments to the end of the usual doctor’s list. A specific time cannot be offered for these telephone calls. Please tell patients they may be called at any time. Please mark urgent telephone triage with an alert on screen, notifying the doctor that they should prioritise the call.
- Telephone triage for GPs who are absent should be shared amongst all consulting clinicians (including GP Partners, Associates and Nurse Practioner) to enable equitable workloads. For example, every clinician gets allocated one extra telephone triage call before allocating a second extra telephone call to a particular clinician.
- The on-call doctor should not receive more urgent telephone triage appointments than any other clinician as they often have other urgent queries to deal with in addition to their own surgery.
- Receptionists should not add any patients as extra face to face appointments without speaking to the clinician concerned. All extra appointments should be assessed by a clinician through telephone triage and it will be the responsibility of that clinician to complete the consultation, either over the phone or bring down and see themselves if required. Therefore, there should be no “sit and wait” appointments.
- Patients should not be advised to call back in the afternoon or the next day, they should be given an appointment (pre-book routine or emergency book on the day), or telephone triaged if no appointments available. Please do not add anything to clinician’s list from 11:00 onwards to enable time for admin, prescriptions and home visits. From 11:00, all queries should be directed towards afternoon slots.
- All clinicians and receptionists are advised not to fill up book on the day slots in advance, or add extras on for the following day. This applies to both face-to-face appointments and telephone consultations. Specialist appointments that are not filled by the evening before, can be opened up as more book on the day appointments eg diabetes, family planning and COPD appointments.
Book on the day appointments
Some slots are not opened until the start of each day to enable patients who need an urgent appointment to be seen on the day. There are two slots in morning surgeries and two in afternoon surgeries. The afternoon slots can be booked from 11:30am at which time receptionists should not add anything further to the doctors’ morning list
Double appointments
Double appointments of 20 minutes duration are allowed in exceptional circumstances, for example, for a learning disability health check, complex diabetic or mental health reviews, postnatal baby checks and employment medicals. These are often booked at the end of a surgery in case more time is required. Patients with visual and hearing impairments and non-English speaking patients who require an interpreter, are also allocated a double appointment.
Specialist appointments
The practice runs a number of specialist clinics which patients can be referred to internally. These include minor surgery and cryotherapy and family planning clinics, including weekly lunchtime clinics for contraceptive procedures, which is a convenient time for mothers with school age children who find it difficult to attend after 15:00. There are also GPs in the practice specialising in musculoskeletal medicine, dermatology and diabetes who offer specific appointments for patients requiring expertise in these areas.
Triage Appointments
Each doctor has four triage appointments (of five minutes each) in the middle of each surgery. These are used for patients who request to see a doctor on the day and need to be triaged. The patient is telephoned, triaged by the doctor and brought in to be seen by the same doctor if necessary.
Telephone Appointments
Each doctor has two routine telephone appointment slots in each surgery, at the beginning (of five minutes each). These can be pre-booked by patients who request a telephone appointment rather than a face-to-face appointment. The patient should be informed that the clinician will aim to contact the patient near the appointment time.
Urgent appointments
Urgent cases can be seen the same day, otherwise you will be given the first available appointment.
Extended opening times
We are able to offer extended hours for routine pre-booked appointments as follows:
- Benhill – Monday – Thursday: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Belmont – Monday – Thursday: 7:00am to 7:30am and 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Access the GP online appointment system
Manage your appointments via our online service:
Login for Online ServicesIf you would like to use our on-line appointment booking system, you will need to register with us first. You can collect a registration form at reception.
Please note that you will be required to show some form of identification before your details can be released (proof of photo identification required – Passport, Driving Licence, National ID or Employee ID). After you have received your registration letter you will be able to access the Patient Access system.
Non-urgent advice: Emergencies
What is an Emergency?
Whatever the time of day, if you or someone else experiences the symptoms below and you feel it is so serious that it cannot wait, go to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department or call 999.
Symptoms include;
Non-blanching rashes (the glass test)
Possible anaphylactic shock (swelling of mouth and throat)
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:
- by phone
- face to face at the surgery
Appointments by phone, can be more flexible and often means you get help sooner.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
To cancel your appointment:
- use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- using our online cancel an appointment form
- phone us
- reply CANCEL to your appointment reminder text message
- If you are late for an appointment you may be asked to re-book.
If you need help now or when we are closed
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
If the practice is closed and you need a GP or Nurse appointment (on weekends only), then please ring 0333 332 6570 for an appointment. You can also contact NHS 111. They will also be able to book an appointment for you with a GP should the practice be shut and there are no appointments available at the Extended Access Service.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- if there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
- if you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, or face-to-face
- if you need an interpreter
- if you have any other access or communication needs.
Home visits
If you are housebound and need an appointment, we will do a home visit. We will phone you first to understand what you need.
To request a home visit, it’s helpful if you phone the practice after 8:30am and before 10:00am if possible.
Help from your pharmacy
Did you know that your local pharmacy can help you with a lot of minor ailments; and a lot of treatments are covered by the Pharmacies.
How Pharmacies can help with minor illnesses
You local Pharmacist can help with 7 common problems. Please do not book an appointment for these problems. Instead, please consult your local community pharmacist directly. Find a pharmacy near you
Patients are now able to refer themselves to a Pharmacy for minor illnesses, such as: cold or flu symptoms, sore throat, cough, diarrhoea, skin/rash issues and hay fever.
Additional information about your appointment with us
Can I bring someone to accompany me to the Appointment?
We are generally very happy for patients to bring with them a carer, relative or even a friend. This often helps, particularly when they know you well and it allows them to tell us any observations they would make about you, which can help us in undertaking our assessment. Ultimately this will lead us more quickly to make an accurate diagnosis and therefore help you more.
Also, having someone with you means they can prompt you to ask questions that you may have forgotten, and after the appointment they can help in reminding you what was discussed.
Occasionally we might ask for them to leave but this would be unusual.
If you require interpretation services please contact us in advance of you appointment and we will arrange this.
Chaperone Policy
We will always respect your privacy, dignity and your religious and cultural beliefs particularly when intimate examinations are advisable – these will only be carried out with your express agreement and you will be offered a chaperone to attend the examination if you so wish.
You may also request a chaperone when making the appointment or on arrival at the surgery (please let the receptionist know) or at any time during the consultation.
Giving Consent for Treatment
You have the right to accept or refuse treatment that is offered to you, and not to be given any physical examination or treatment unless you have given valid consent. If you do not have the capacity to do so, consent must be obtained from a person legally able to act on your behalf, or the treatment must be in your best interests.
Your valid consent (agreement to the course of action) is needed for the treatment that’s offered to you before any physical examinations or treatment can be given. If you haven’t given your consent, you can accept or refuse treatment that’s offered to you.
It’s important to be involved in decisions about your treatment and to be given information to help you choose the right treatment. When making treatment choices, you’ll often discuss the options with your doctor or another healthcare professional.
If you have a suspected infectious disease
Please inform reception if you suspect an infectious disease, as this will enable us to deal with it appropriately during your visit to protect you, other patients and staff.
If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and this will be arranged.
Intimate Examinations
During your care, a doctor may need to examine you in order to provide you with the best care. Occasionally this may involve an examination of intimate areas. We understand that this can be stressful and embarrassing. If this sort of examination is necessary:
- We will explain to you why the examination is necessary and give you the opportunity to ask questions.
- We will explain what the examination will involve, including whether you can expect it to be painful or uncomfortable.
- We will obtain your permission before carrying out this examination You will be offered a chaperone.
- At all times we will respect your privacy during the examination and while dressing and undressing.
Your doctor and the nursing staff will be happy to discuss any concerns you have about this.
Private Medical Examinations
Medical examinations for special purposes such as pre-employment, fitness to travel, elderly drivers, fitness to undertake sports etc, will require longer than a routine appointment.
These examinations do not form part of NHS Services, you will be charged for any such examination. Please check the fee chargeable when you require to arrange any such examination.