Welcome to our Practice

Benhill and Belmont GP Centre operates from two surgeries, both of which are fully equipped, and patients attend one or the other surgery.

The practice consists at the present time of five GP Principals, three GP Associates and one GP Registrar caring for 11,500 patients. In addition to the doctors, we also have an excellent integrated nursing team.

We have one Nurse Practioner and are three Practice Nurses and two Health Care Assistants with a wide range of skills. Antenatal clinics are booked via the local hospital and held weekly at the Benhill site.

In addition to the clinical team we have experienced reception, administrative and managerial staff. Our practice team is a mixture of full and part-time posts.

The practice started shortly after World War Two and Benhill Avenue was developed in the 1960s; it has subsequently had several extensions added to the original building. The Belmont surgery was built in 1990, having moved from small premises across the road. Belmont has already had an extension added.

We relocated the Belmont Practice to new premises, in August 2022.

We use a personal list system, which, despite the presence of two surgeries, seems to work well. Our practice population is stable with less than 10% patient turnover per year. We have an above average number of elderly (aged over 75) patients.

All doctors and staff are supported in broadening their medical practice, and, as well as primary care, we have particular interest and expertise in minor surgery, family planning, occupational health (dermatology/musculoskeletal) and travel medicine. The practice is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching.